Anna Little EuropeWhen Charlie was just under the age of two we boarded a plane and went to England and France for three weeks. It was everything we...
Anna The Fringe Benefits of Being Low RiskTSA Pre-check. Is it worth it? The short answer - Yes. Here's why: Airports have always been a necessary evil for me. That unpleasant...
Anna The Big DDisneyland. The holy grail of theme parks. The place where at least one super bowl champion has gone to celebrate. A space where the...
Anna Hotel ConfessionsOf all the privileged first world problems to have, loathing being in a single hotel room with small children probably tops the list. I...
Anna DrivenWhen we have a choice between flying or driving, and the door to door time is the same, we choose to drive. The miles of freeway,...
Anna Ruh-roh: You lost your bagsThe airplane has just landed and you turn on your phone. You aren't sure exactly what sort of messages you'll receive as you are now in ...
Anna Delta Economy Plus: aka Middle Class FancyI recently took a solo trip to New England. Since I was flying from Pacific to Atlantic, it seemed reasonable to upgrade myself to a tiny...
Anna The Dirty SecretOne of my biggest pet peeves in the travel community (aside from people who feel the need to tell you how many countries they have...